Statements & Speeches 11 February 2021 Secretary-General message for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 15 December 2020 Opening Remarks at the Workshop on Marine Scientific Research in the Area: Establishing collaborative platform to enhance biodiversity knowledge for environmental management in mid ocean ridge ecosystem focusing on the Indian Ocean 8 December 2020 Statement at the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly Agenda Item 76(a) Oceans and the Law of the Sea 23 November 2020 Opening Remarks at the Development of a Regional Environmental Management Plan for the Area of the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge with a focus on Polymetallic Sulphides (PMS) deposits workshop 17 November 2020 Opening Remarks at the High-level webinar to present ISA’s draft Action Plan in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 12 November 2020 Statement at the Thirtieth Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 9 November 2020 Statement on ISA-China Joint Training and Research Centre Launching Ceremony 5 November 2020 Statement at the Inaugural Symposium on Maritime Cooperation and Ocean Governance 3 November 2020 Statement on the updates and overview of recent progress in the work of ISA 22 October 2020 Statement on the launch of the Cook Islands exploration licensing process 24 September 2020 Statement at the Global Ocean Regime Conference 23 September 2020 Statement at the Annual Ministerial Meeting of LLDCs’ Foreign Ministers ‹‹ 1 … 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 … 16 ›› More from the Secretary-General About the Secretary-General Secretary-General opinion pieces