The Mining Code

Draft exploitation regulations

In accordance with UNCLOS and the 1994 Agreement, since 2014, ISA has undertaken work to develop regulations for the exploitation of mineral resources in the Area. The process, which started with preliminary work in the context of expert workshops and involved the preparation of a number of expert studies and discussion papers, culminated in the development of draft regulations considered by the Legal and Technical Commission and the Council. Open stakeholder consultations have been undertaken throughout the process.

Current status of the draft exploitation regulations

The current version of the draft exploitation regulations (ISBA/25/C/WP.1) submitted by the Legal and Technical Commission can be accessed here.

The draft exploitation regulations are currently under negotiation by the Council of the Authority. Informal working groups and intersessional working groups have been established by the Council to advance the work on the draft exploitation regulations.

During a Council meeting in July 2023, the Council took stock of the progress made and agreed on a timeline modality for the work of the Council. It was agreed that a consolidated text would be provided for the continued negotiations by the Council. The consolidated text represents the current negotiations of the draft exploitation regulations by the Council, and in particular contains a compilation of work carried out in the informal working groups of the Council. The consolidated text (ISBA/29/C/CRP.1) was released on 16 February 2024.

The present status of the negotiations can be followed under the section named Working Groups and in the Council folders for each year under the section Sessions.

Previous versions of the draft exploitation regulations

  • June 2018 | Revised Draft Regulations on Exploitation of Mineral Resources in the Area  [ISBA/24/LTC/WP.1]
  • August 2017 | Draft Regulations on Exploitation of Mineral Resources in the Area
  • February 2016 | First Working Draft of the regulations and Standard Contract Terms on Exploitation for Mineral Resources in the Area

Stakeholder consultations

The draft exploitation regulations have been prepared by the LTC following a transparent process and a series of broad public consultations (ISBA/26/C/2).




  • Discussion paper on the development and drafting of regulations on exploitation for mineral resources in the Area (environmental matters)
  • Stakeholder submissions to the Draft Regulations on Exploitation for Mineral Resources in the Area