Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan reflects ISA’s mandate and responsibilities as set out in UNCLOS and the 1994 Agreement. It was developed in consultation with ISA Members, observers and other relevant stakeholders through an extensive public consultation process. The Assembly of ISA eventually adopted the final document at its 24th Session on 26 July 2018 (ISBA/24/A/10).
The adoption of the Strategic Plan reflects the commitment of ISA to a results-based approach and a desire to be the best and most effective organization it can be. It also highlights the importance of strategic partnerships in fulfilling ISA’s role and responsibilities.
The ISA Strategic Plan provides an overview of ISA’s strategic directions for the next five years. In addition, it outlines ISA’s key priorities while striving to deliver optimum services to meet the needs of its Members.
In July 2019, the Assembly adopted the High-Level Action Plan for 2019-2023 (ISBA/25/A/15), which identifies actions necessary to achieve the objectives of the Strategic Plan, as well as the priorities for the period 2019-2023, in relation to the actions required of ISA to realize its mission objectives.
The High-Level Action Plan also includes key performance indicators to be used to assess the performance of ISA towards achieving the strategic Directions set out in the Strategic Plan for 2019-2023.
In developing its Strategic Plan and High-Level Action Plan for 2019-2023, ISA undertook an extensive and comprehensive consultation process to ensure that both final documents embody the views, priorities and ownership of all its members.
Read more about the consultation process.