The 5th Session of the International Seabed Authority

ISA hosts its annual sessions at its headquarters in Kingston, Jamaica. At the Annual Sessions, representatives from member States of ISA meet, discuss and formulate the work of the International Seabed Authority and its Secretariat. All session documents are available online here in all six official languages of the International Seabed Authority.

5th Session 9-27 August 1999


Provisional agenda of the Assembly

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU


Request for observer status to the Assembly from the International Association of Drilling Contractors. Note by the Secretariat

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU


Request for observer status to the Assembly from the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Note by the Secretariat

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU


Report of the Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority under article 166, paragraph 4, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU

ISBA/5/A/2 – ISBA/5/C/2

Proposed budget for the International Seabed Authority for 2000. Report of the Secretary-General

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU


Election to fill a vacancy on the Finance Committee in accordance with section 9 of the annex to the Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Note by the Secretary-General

EN , ES , FR


Considerations relating to the offer by the Government of Jamaica concerning the location of the permanent headquarters of the Authority. Report of the Secretary-General

EN , ES , FR


Considerations relating to the offer by the Government of Jamaica concerning the location of the permanent headquarters of the Authority. Report of the Secretary-General. Addendum

EN , ES , FR


Agenda of the Assembly

EN , ES , FR


Appointment of an auditor. Report of the Secretary-General

EN , ES , FR


Decision of the Assembly of the Authority relating to the election to fill vacancies on the Council

EN , ES , FR

ISBA/5/A/2/Rev.1 – ISBA/5/C/2/Rev.1

Proposed budget for the International Seabed Authority for 2000. Report of the Secretary-General. Addendum

EN , ES , FR


Credentials of representatives to the fifth session of the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority. Report of the Credentials Committee

EN , ES , FR


Decision of the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority relating to the credentials of representatives to the fifth session of the International Seabed Authority

EN , ES , FR


Decision of the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority relating to the headquarters of the International Seabed Authority

EN , ES , FR


Decision of the Assembly relating to the budget of the International Seabed Authority for 2000

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU


Scale of assessment for the contributions of members to the administrative budget of the International Seabed Authority for 2000

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU


Statement of the President on the work of the Assembly at the fifth session

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU

ISBA/5/A/8 – ISBA/5/C/7

Proposed budget of the International Seabed Authority for 2000 and related matters. Report of the Finance Committee

EN , ES , FR


Draft rules of procedure of the Legal and Technical Commission

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU


LTC Rules of procedure

AR , CH , RU


Revised draft rules of procedure of the Legal and Technical Commission. Proposed by the Legal and Technical Commission

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU


Election to fill a vacancy on the Legal and Technical Commission

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU


Election to fill a vacancy on the Legal and Technical Commission in accordance with subsection C, aticle 163, paragraph 7, of the Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

EN , ES , FR


Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Nodules in the Area. Revision of ISBA/4/C/4/Rev.1 of 29 April 1998 prepared by the Secretariat together with the President of the Council

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU


Agenda of the Council

EN , ES , FR


Report of the legal and technical commission on the work of the commission during the fifth session.

EN , ES , FR


Decision of the Council relating to the budget of the International Seabed Authority for 2000

EN , ES , FR


Decision of the Council of the International Seabed Authority relating to the headquarters of the International Seabed Authority

EN , ES , FR


Decision of the Council of the International Seabed Authority concerning the draft financial regulations of the International Seabed Authority

EN , ES , FR


Statement of the President on the work of the Council at the fifth session

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU


Statement by the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States presented by the permanent representative of Chile to the International Seabed Authority

EN , ES , FR

ISBA/5/C/2 – ISBA/5/A/2

Proposed budget for the International Seabed Authority for 2000. Report of the Secretary-General

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU

ISBA/5/C/2/Rev.1 – ISBA/5/A/2/Rev.1

Proposed budget for the International Seabed Authority for 2000. Report of the Secretary-General. Addendum

EN , ES , FR


Rules of Procedure of the Finance Committee. Adopted by the Finance Committee on 20 August 1999

AR , CH , EN , ES , FR , RU

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