The Secretariat is one of the three principal organs of ISA. The seat of the Secretariat is in Kingston, Jamaica. The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary-General, who is the chief administrative officer of ISA.

The main functions of the Secretariat include:

  • Providing support to the Secretary-General in fulfilling the functions entrusted to him or her under UNCLOS and the 1994 Agreement and in implementing the mandates provided by the Member States
  • Producing reports and other documents containing information, analyses, historical background, research findings, policy suggestions, etc. that facilitate the deliberations and decision-making by the other principal organs and their subsidiary bodies
  • Providing secretariat services to the other principal organs and their subsidiary bodies and providing meeting services (translation, interpretation, and reporting services) to the other principal organs, in accordance with the policies adopted by the Assembly
  • Producing publications, information bulletins and analytical studies and disseminating information on the activities and decisions of ISA
  • Organizing and servicing expert group meetings, seminars and workshops
  • Implementing the work programmes and policies laid down by the other principal organs and their subsidiary bodies
  • Ensuring compliance with plans of work for exploration and exploitation approved in the form of contracts
  • Performing the functions of the Enterprise as specified in Section 2 of the Annex to the 1994 Agreement until the Enterprise begins to operate independently.

As of 2024, the Enterprise is staffed by an interim director general but does not operate independently of the Secretariat.


The Secretariat consists of the following central organizational units:

Executive Office of the Secretary-General

The Executive Office of the Secretary-General assists the Secretary-General in supervising and coordinating the work of the Secretariat under his or her executive direction and relevant directives of the Council and the Assembly.

The Executive Office is also responsible for protocol, liaison services, and communications and press support to the Secretary-General.

Name Position Nationality
Leticia Reis de Carvalho Secretary-General Brazil
Wenqiang Yin Principal Policy Officer China
Akuila Tawake Chief of CARMU Fiji
Margaret Koli Programme Management Officer Kenya
Linda Ansu-Kyeremeh Contract Management Officer Ghana
Annekah Mason Training Coordinator Jamaica
Besmir Fidahić Associate Copy Editor Bosnia and Herzegovina
Christine Griffiths Office Manager Jamaica
Shanique Gregory Senior Communications Assistant Jamaica
Asenaca Navoti Senior Liaison Assistant, Office of the Permanent
Observer for ISA to the United Nations, New York
Nuklan Hugh Learning and Development Assistant Jamaica
Nicole Powell Administrative Assistant Jamaica
Melissa Beckles Staff Assistant Jamaica
Shanica James Brown Administrative Assistant Jamaica

Office of Legal Affairs

The Office of Legal Affairs is the central legal service of the Secretariat. It provides legal advice to the Secretary-General, the Secretariat and the other principal organs of ISA and their subsidiary bodies. In addition, it represents the Secretary-General in legal conferences and judicial proceedings.

The Office of Legal Affairs is also responsible for the Satya N. Nandan Library, the official documentation of ISA and for managing the provision of conference services for sessions of ISA.

The Contract Management Unit is the central administrative point of contact between contractors, sponsoring States and the Secretariat. The Unit processes applications for approval of plans of work for exploration or exploitation and for extensions of such contracts. It maintains a definitive central registry of contracts, in accordance with best international practice, and ensures the safe custody and confidentiality of all documents, data and information submitted in connection with such contracts and applications for approval of plans of work.

Name Position Nationality
Yongsheng Cai Acting Director China
Gwénaëlle Le Gurun Legal Officer France
Marcelino Miranda Legal Officer Mexico
Talatu Akindolire Legal Officer Nigeria
Tamanna Khan Associate Legal Officer Bangladesh
Kayon Wray Documentation & Conference Management Officer Jamaica
Shamene Parker Administrative Assistant Jamaica
Patrena Salmon Administrative/Library Assistant Jamaica

Office of Environmental Management and Mineral Resources

The Office of Environmental Management and Mineral Resources provides scientific and technical input into the development and implementation of the rules, regulations and procedures for the conduct of activities in the Area. It also coordinates the collection, analysis and dissemination of geological, biological, environmental and technological data and information on the Area and its resources, including through the development and maintenance of ISA’s global database.

The Office of Environmental Management and Mineral Resources supports the development and implementation of regional environmental management plans, environmental impact assessment and environmental monitoring, and the development of environmental standards and guidelines. It also supports ISA’s work to promote and encourage the conduct of marine scientific research in the Area by developing collaborations with the Member States and international organizations and disseminating the results of scientific research and analysis.

Name Position Nationality
Jose Dallo Moros Director Spain
Ulrich Schwarz-Schampera Programme Management Officer (Mining Geologist) Germany
Noèmie Wouters Programme Coordinator (Marine Scientific Research) Belgium
Wanfei Qiu Programme Manager (Marine Environment) China
Luciana De Melo Santos Genio Environmental Coordinator Portugal
Sheldon Carter Database Manager Jamaica
Kioshi Mishiro GIS Officer Japan
Changsung Lim Associate Programme Management Officer Canada
Ansel Cadien Senior Information Management Assistant Jamaica
Camelia Campbell Administrative Assistant Jamaica

Office for Administrative Services

The Office of Administrative Services provides general administrative and management support to the Secretariat. Its functions include financial management and control, preparation of proposed budgets, assessment of Member States’ contributions, recruitment of staff and contractors, procurement of goods and services, personnel management and security.

Name Position Nationality
Joseph Khoreich Acting Director Lebanon
Pablo Andres Vidal Finance Officer Chile
Oliver Murima Human Resources Officer Zimbabwe
Lilian Valles-Carrillo Associate Procurement Officer Jamaica
Sonja Phinn Associate Security and Facilities Officer Jamaica
Fitzroy Ferguson Senior Finance Assistant Jamaica
Sheldon Gruber Senior Budget & Treasury Assistant Jamaica
Bobett Russell Administrative Assistant Jamaica
Michell McGhie Budget Assistant Jamaica
Richard Tucker Travel and HR Assistant Jamaica
Andre Brooks CIT Assistant Jamaica
Sashi Walters-Brooks Finance Assistant Jamaica
Hyacinth Henriques-Douglas Procurement Assistant Jamaica
Leroy Smith Driver/General Services Assistant Jamaica
Oswald Williams Driver/Warehouse Worker Jamaica
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