Call for Applications : ISA/NORI Training Opportunities

JAMAICA, Kingston (6 November 2015) – – Nauru Ocean Resources Inc. (NORI) is offering two training places for candidates from developing States to attend an Environmental Planning Workshop in Gent, Belgium held by NORI on 11 and 12 December 2015. 

Call for Applications: ISA/JOGMEC At-Sea Training Programme

JAMAICA, Kingston (2 November 2015) – – Japan Oil, Gas, and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) is offering five training places on board a research vessel for candidates from developing States, pursuant to the terms of the contract for exploration for cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts between JOGMEC and the International Seabed Authority.

Call for Nominations to ISA/COMRA 2016 Training Programme

China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association (COMRA) is offering 5 opportunities for its At-Sea Training Programme to candidates from developing countries as part of its July-September 2016 training programme.

ISA and Chile to Co-Host Sensitization Seminar

JAMAICA, Kingston (7 October 2015) – – The ISA and the Government of Chile will jointly host a Sensitization Seminar in Santiago from 5-6 November 2015.

Call for Applications: ISA/GSR Training Programme

As part of its training programme, in its contract signed on 14 January 2013, Global Sea Mineral Resources NV (GSR), is offering a training opportunity for one fellowship from a developing State.

Call for Expressions of Interest

JAMAICA, Kingston, (14 September 2015) – – ISA is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from qualified consultants or firms to conduct a general and systematic review of the manner in which the international regime of the Area has operated in practice.

Seabed Authority Concludes Twenty-First Session

JAMAICA, Kingston (27 July 2015) – – The Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its final meeting of the 21st Session in Kingston, on Friday 24 July, approved the recommendations of its Finance Committee relating to financial and budgetary matters and decided to undertake the first review of the operations of the international regime of the Area as provided for under article 154 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.