KINGSTON, JAMAICA, 29 August 2013 – – The Interridge/ISA Endowment Fund Fellowship Programme recently awarded fellowships to two students from developing countries.
The two successful applicants are Mr. Xinxu Zhang(China) and Mr. R. Rajasabapathy of India.
Mr. Xinxu Zhang is currently a graduate student in Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. He will work with Prof. Katrina J. Edwards in University of Southern California, USA. The title of his proposal is “Isolation of Neutrophilic Iron-oxidizing Bacteria and Study of Mineral-microbe Interations in North Pond, Western Flank of Mid-Atlantic Ridge”.
Mr. R. Rajasabapathy is a graduate Student in CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, India. He will visit Department of Oceanography and Pisces, University of Azores, Cais de Sta Cruz 9901-862, Horta, Portugal where he will work with Dr. Ana Colaco on the topic of Forecasting of Methanotrophs by methane monooxygenase genes (sMMO) from the shallow water vent Espalamaca.
The InterRidge Student and Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme continues to develop and reach out to the global community of young ocean scientists.
In the past three years a successful partnership has been established between InterRidge and the ISA Endowment Fund, designed to support early career scientists from developing countries in collaborative marine scientific research.