H.E Satya Nandan

In light of the evolving nature of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the staff of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) at the headquarters in Kingston as well as in the liaison office in New York is working remotely until further notice. Accordingly, access to the books of condolences for the former Secretary-General H.E. Satya N. Nandan is closed to the public.


In order to allow delegations and members of the public to share their messages, the books will now be available for signature online until 31 December 2020. To submit a message of condolence, all are invited to include their name, job title, organization and a message that should not exceed 250 words via email to secretary-general@isa.org.jm

All condolence messages will be collated and transcribed into the books of condolence.

H.E Satya N. Nandan passed away on 25 February 2020. He served for an unprecedented three terms as Secretary-General of ISA from March 1996 to December 2008. Through his 12 years of leadership, Ambassador Nandan built the confidence of the international community in the institution, and the system established for the governance of the resources of the deep seabed.

For enquiries, please contact Ms. Marie Bourrel-McKinnon, Senior Policy Officer – Special Assistant to the Secretary-Generalmbourrel@isa.org.jm


For more information visit our website www.isa.org.jm or follow us on Twitter @ISBAHQ