Filming Protocols of the International Seabed Authority

1. General principles


  • Members of the media and persons wanting to film scenes at the annual session of the Authority are required to apply for media accreditation.
  • Media accreditation is strictly reserved for members of the press (print, photo, radio, television, film, news agencies and online media) who represent a bona fide news media organization. No media pass will be issued to journalists whose application does not conform to the established procedure.


  • Accredited members of the media will be able to access the Media Room on the first floor of the Secretariat (near the credentials and protocol area).
  • Accredited members of the media will be able to access limited areas of the Jamaica Conference Centre (JCC) during the lunch break.
  • Designation of a meeting as a “Closed Meeting” implies that it is not open to media broadcasting or other forms of coverage.
  • The Communications Unit of the Authority will specify when and where reporters and film crews may be positioned in and outside conference rooms and meeting rooms.
  • Interviewing, filming or photographing staff members in or outside their office is not permitted.


  • Members of the media must take responsibility for ensuring that their conduct and that of their camera, sound persons and any ancillary staff complies with this protocol.
  • The conduct of all persons who seek to undertake filming or photography in locations must not undermine the proceedings of the session and meetings.
  • Recorded interviews with members or the observers of the Council and the Assembly of the Authority may take place in the JCC or at the Secretariat only after the express permission of the interviewee and in coordination with the Communications Unit.

Security and safety

  • Despite any other provision in this protocol, interviewing, filming or photography in parts of the JCC may be limited, with the approval or under the authority of the Communications Unit, for the purposes of security or safety.
  • If you are filming inside the Secretariat of the Authority or JCC, in a corridor, for example, please ensure that you are not obstructing the passage of other visitors and staff.
  • Cameras, microphones or other items or equipment must never be placed so as to block the progress of delegates along a corridor or across a foyer.
  • If camera shots are required from in front of a delegate, these must be taken from a distance that allows the camera person to move away in time for the delegate to pass without being obstructed in any way.
  • Delegates must not be obstructed from entering or leaving a building.
  • All accessways, including, for example, bridges, elevators, stairs and doorways, must be kept free and delegates’ use of accessways must be unimpeded.

Damage to property

  • Members of the media are fully responsible for all damages to the JCC or the Secretariat occurring as a result of its filming activities and for paying for all repairs deemed necessary.

Use of images and footage

  • The media outlet or photographer is authorized to use film and photographs shot at the JCC in print media, on a website, or in other promotional materials with the understanding that this respects the copyright of the Authority’s logo and emblem, which requires the prior authorization of the Secretariat for any use.

Termination of the filming

  • The Authority reserves the right to terminate production in the event that the person filming or the photographer fails to abide by these protocols.


2. Filming the annual session of the Authority, media briefings and side events

Filming or photography in the conference room or meeting rooms requires the approval of the Communications Unit of the Authority, provided that

  • film crews cannot access rooms or locations without prior agreement, cannot record conversations without prior consent and must be accompanied by a staff member of the Authority at all times
  • filming within plenary rooms is done only in designated areas and upon prior approval from the Communications Unit of the Authority, noting that filming inside negotiation spaces (regional groups, delegates’ lounges and other restricted areas) is strictly prohibited
  • filming exterior shots around the building of the Authority or the JCC is permitted, but without close-up shots of people in these areas
  • filming or photography is confined to any area of the meeting room specified by the Communications Unit of the Authority and should include only those persons actively participating in the proceedings
  • persons filming or taking photographs must not disrupt the meetings or interfere with the free movement of other persons present
  • boom microphones are not allowed in conference rooms even when granted approval to film
  • all media representatives may film and/or take photos at press briefing
  • participation in and recording of closed meetings is prohibited
  • attending, filming or capturing side events requires permission from the organizer of the side event. Contact to request authorization.


3. Filming at the locations for a feature film, documentary or television production

If you are interested in filming scenes at the headquarters of the Authority or the JCC in Kingston, Jamaica, during the annual session of the Authority for a feature film, documentary or television production, please submit a request using the online “Request for on-location filming at the Authority” form and attach

  • a formal written request on the production company’s letterhead
  • a script of the project (full confidentiality will be ensured)
  • a scenario/summary of the project.

The Communications Unit will review the request and provide feedback as appropriate. Typically, if the project is approved, a two-track process coordinated by the Communications Unit begins:

  • Logistical preparations to determine technical requirements and what in-house services would need to be provided. This would include a location scouting visit, followed by a technical scout.
  • In parallel to this, drafting of a location agreement takes place, a process that typically takes several weeks to conclude. Once agreed upon by both sides, the draft agreement is submitted to the Legal Office of Authority for final approval a minimum of one week before filming is scheduled to begin.

4. Using the Authority’s name and emblem

The use of the Authority’s name and/or emblem in a feature film, documentary or television production requires prior authorization.

Please submit a request using the online “Request for permission to use the Authority’s name and emblem” form along with

  • a formal written request on the production company’s letterhead
  • a script of the project (full confidentiality will be ensured)
  • a scenario/summary of the project
  • visual representations, if available, of how the Authority’s emblem would appear.

The Communications Unit will review the request, provide feedback as appropriate and facilitate legal authorization.

Any special filming requests, aside from what is stated here, require prior authorization from the Communications Unit and, where appropriate, the delegates or observers.

All requests should be sent to