ISA Secretary-General's Award for Excellence in Deep-Sea Research


ISA is explicitly mandated to promote and encourage the conduct of marine scientific research in the Area (UNCLOS, art.143) and the coordination and dissemination of the results of such research when available. Since 2017, ISA promotes and encourages excellence of young researchers from developing States by recognizing the best of them  through the ISA Secretary General’s Award for Deep-sea Research Excellence (#OceanAction40845).

The ISA Secretary-General Award for Research Excellence is an annual/biannual award given to young researchers (under 45 years old) from developing countries as recognition of excellence of their work and their contribution to advance scientific knowledge of the deep-sea environment and improve the development of sound and efficient regulatory frameworks.

The Award is supported by Monaco since 2020.

Voluntary commitment 2 supports the following SDGs:

About the Award

The sixth edition of the Award has been postponed until further notice.