Follow-up WEBINAR | Informal intersessional dialogue
30 May 2023 - 30 May 2023
VirtualIn accordance with the modalities for the continuation of the informal intersessional dialogue as set out in Council decision ISBA/28/C/9, and as notified in the Secretariat’s Note No. ISA/OLA/2023/107 dated 28 April 2023, the Co-Facilitators of the Dialogue will co-host a follow-up Webinar on 30 May 2023 which will be held from 9am to 12pm Jamaica time (GMT-5) via Microsoft Teams platform.
The webinar will be open to all Members and Observers of ISA and their designated experts.
Webinar documents:
- Co-Facilitators’ note
- Written responses submitted before the webinar
- Post webinar’s written comments