Consultation Process
In developing its Strategic Plan and High-Level Action Plan for 2019-2023, ISA undertook an extensive and comprehensive consultation process to ensure that both final documents embody the views, priorities and ownership of all its Members.
Consultation held in the context of the development of the Strategic Plan
Following the presentation of the Draft Strategic Plan made during the first part of the 24th session of the Council, ISA engaged broadly with stakeholders, seeking further comments, views and contributions. As a result, an open consultation for all stakeholders was launched from 12 March to 27 April 2018. The Secretary-General also held additional meetings with representatives of member States in Kingston and Permanent Missions of ISA Members in New York.
Note Verbale | Consultation Guide on the draft Strategic Plan
A total of 23 submissions on the draft strategic plan were received. ISA members made the largest number of submissions (15), followed by observers (4) and contractors (3). One submission was made by an individual.
The submissions received can be accessed here.
Consultation held in the context of the development of the High-Level Action Plan
Following the adoption of the Strategic Plan in July 2018, the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to prepare a High-Level Action Plan. Accordingly, a draft has been prepared and submitted to public consultation in May 2019.
Thirteen submissions were received, including eleven (11) from ISA members and two (2) from observers.
The submissions received can be accessed here.