Seabed Authority Launchers “Stakeholder Survey” on Mineral Exploitation Code

The International Seabed Authority today launched a Stakeholder Survey Questionnaire aimed at soliciting relevant information for the development of a regulatory framework for the exploitation of minerals in the Area from members of the Authority and current and future stakeholders.
The objective of the survey is to begin a process of stakeholder engagement and consultation as envisaged by the Council at its 19th Session meetings where it agreed that more in-depth studies should be done on the development of an exploitation code for marine minerals in the Area (ISBA19/C/18 para 19) and where it discussed several issues including inter alia engaging stakeholders and encouraged the LTC to review these issues whilst continuing its work on the drafting of the mining code.
The Stakeholder Survey is the first in a series of stakeholder engagements anticipated by the Authority to begin the development of a regulatory framework which will incorporate contemporary best practice and from which the Authority expects to benefit from the in-depth views, analysis and opinions from experts on activities in the Area.
The survey focuses on four areas: Financial terms and obligations; Environmental management terms and obligations; Health and safety and maritime security; General considerations – stakeholder communication and transparency.
All member States of the Authority as well as all relevant stakeholders including individuals and institution are encouraged to participate in the survey.
The closing date of the survey is Friday, 16 May 2014 at 1800hr (EST). Submissions should be sent by post or email to:
Stakeholder Survey (ISBA/Cons/2014/1)
International Seabed Authority 
14-20 Port Royal Street
Emailed submissions (in either microsoft word or pdf format) can be emailed to :

ISA To Hold Sensitization Seminar In New York

The Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority will be convening a Sensitization Seminar on Wednesday 16 April 2014, at the Headquarters of the United Nations (Room 2CB), New York.

Ambassador Maria Teresa Infante of Chile pays Courtesy Call on Secretary-General

Ambassador Maria Teresa Infante, National Director, Division of Frontiers and Limits, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs paid a courtesy call on the Secretary-General on Friday, 7 March 2014. She was accompanied by Ambassador  Eduardo Bonilla, Permanent Representative of Chile to the International Seabed Authority.

Japan Oil, Gas And Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) And ISA Sign Exploration Contract

The International Seabed Authority and JOGMEC of Japan signed a 15-year contract for prospecting and exploration for cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in Tokyo on 27‎ January 2014.‎
The contract was signed by the Secretary-General of the Authority, Nii Allotey Odunton and the President of JOGMEC, Hirobumi Kawano in the presence of State Minister Midori Matsushima of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.