Category: Press Release
ISA Holds Workshop on Impact Reference Zones in the Area
GERMANY, Berlin (28 September 2017) – – Secretary-General Michael Lodge, yesterday addressed participants attending the ISA Workshop on the Design and Monitoring of Impact Reference Zones (IRZ) and Preservation Reference Zones (PRZ) that is being held in Berlin from 27-29 September 2017.
He told participants that the objective of the workshop was to help the ISA develop criteria for the design and monitoring of those zones in the Area.
Open for Applications: BGR Contractor Training Programme
JAMAICA, Kingston (31 August 2017) – – The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources of the Federal Republic of Germany (BGR), is offering two (2) At-Sea training places for candidates from developing States within its 2018 training programme, in accordance with its exploration contracts for polymetallic nodules with the ISA.
ISA to hold Workshop on the Design of Impact Reference Zones (IRZ) and Preservation Reference Zones in the Area
JAMAICA, Kingston (28 August 2017) – – The ISA will host a workshop on the design of impact reference zones (IRZ) and preservation reference zones (PRZ) in the Area. The workshop will be held in Germany from 27-29 September 2017.
Draft Regulations on Exploitation of Mineral Resources in the Area
JAMAICA, Kingston (25 August 2017) – – The Secretariat of the International Seabed Authority has made available a document entitled “Draft regulations on exploitation of mineral resources in the Area” (ISBA/23/LTC/CRP.3*) for comment by stakeholders, together with a list of questions contained in document ISBA/23/C/12.
ISA Holds 23rd Annual Session in Kingston
JAMAICA, Kingston (4 August 2017) – – The 23rd Session of the International Seabed Authority will be held in Kingston from 8-18 August 2017. The Session is preceded by meetings of the Legal and Technical Commission which began on Monday 31 July and the Finance Committee on Wednesday 2 August.
OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Contractor Training Programme
JAMAICA, Kingston (26 July 2017) – – The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) of the Russian Federation is offering five (5) training places for candidates from developing States, under two separate training programmes, in accordance with its exploration contracts for polymetallic sulphides and cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts.