ISA and the University of Szczecin Co-Host REMP Workshop in Poland

JAMAICA, Kingston (27 June 2018) – – The International Seabed Authority and the University of Szczecin are co-hosting a 3-day workshop on the Development of a Framework for Regional Environmental Management Plans (REMPs) for Polymetallic Sulphide Deposits in Mid-Ocean Ridges in Szczecin, Poland from 27-29 June 2018.

Global Sea Mineral Resources 2019 Programme

JAMAICA, Kingston (5 June 2018) – – Global Sea Mineral Resources NV (GSR) is offering two (2) Offshore Internship opportunities to candidates from developing States in accordance with its contracts for exploration for polymetallic nodules signed with the Authority on 14 January 2013. 
The offshore internships will be organised and supervised by GSR and will be for a duration of four to six weeks in the two first quarters of 2019, in the GSR License Area within the Clarion‐Clipperton Zone.
One trainee will integrate into the GSR geological and geotechnical team in order to process polymetallic nodules and sediments under the supervision of the GSR geologists onboard the vessel. The other will work on topics covering the environmental and biological aspects of the 2019 offshore campaign, with the deployment and recovery of environmental moorings and the processing of biological samples as requested by the scientists.
The pre‐selected candidates will be required to successfully pass an emergency offshore training (BOSIET) and a medical test before final confirmation of their selection.