JAMAICA, Kingston (27 November 2018) – – The Secretariat of the International Seabed Authority has released the submissions from member States and other stakeholders to the “Draft regulations on exploitation of mineral resources in the Area” (ISBA/24/LTC/WP.1/Rev.1) together with a Briefing Note (ISBA/25/C/2) to supplement the remarks made by the Council at its July 2018 meeting (ISBA/24/C/8/Add.1, Annex 1).
Category: Press Release
Media Advisory
(23 November 2018)
How can the sustainable development of deep seabed minerals contribute to the Blue Economy and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda? What can be done to ensure the protection and preservation of the marine environment as well as equitable sharing of financial and economic benefits derived from activities in the international seabed area?
Jihyun Lee of Korea appointed Director at the International Seabed Authority
The Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) Mr. Michael Lodge is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Jihyun Lee, of the Republic of Korea as Director of the Office of Environmental Management and Mineral Resources (OEMMR).
Call for Applications: Republic of Korea Contractor Training Opportunities
JAMAICA, Kingston (1 November 2018) – – The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Republic of Korea (MOF-ROK) in accordance with the contract for the exploration for polymetallic nodules with the International Seabed Authority, is offering three (3) training places to candidates from developing states under its 2019 training programme:
ISA To Hold Workshop on Fostering Cooperation to Promote Sustainable Development of Africa’s Deep Seabed Resources in Abidjan
JAMAICA, Kingston (19 October 2018) – – The International Seabed Authority, African Mineral Development Centre (AMDC) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) will co-host a workshop on Fostering cooperation to promote sustainable development of Africa’s deep seabed resources in support of Africa’s Blue Economy in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire from 22-25 October 2018.
The workshop is the first of a series of five planned for each African region and aimed at raising awareness among African decision-makers of the importance of sustainable development activities in the African continental shelf and the adjacent international seabed area.
The workshop will bring together experts from the international legal and scientific community, national and regional government officials, scientists, researchers and academics to discuss issues associated with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the work of the Authority on marine mineral resource development and the protection and preservation of the marine environment .
The series of workshops is one of seven voluntary commitments announced by the Authority in partnership with AMDC (#OceanAction16374) at the UN Ocean Conference in 2017.
For more details on the workshop, its provisional agenda, visit the dedicated workshop page on our website where all documents will be uploaded as they come to hand.
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ISA and ICPC to Hold Second Workshop on Deep Seabed Mining and Submarine Cables
JAMAICA, Kingston (11 October 2018) – The Government of Thailand, the International Seabed Authority (ISA) and the International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC) will hold a second workshop on Deep Seabed Mining and Submarine Cables in Bangkok, Thailand from 29-30 October 2018.
The Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization and the International Seabed Authority Sign Memorandum of Understanding
JAMAICA, Kingston (9 October 2018) – – The International Seabed Authority and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop and strengthen their cooperation in matters of common interest to bring about better coordination and effective implementation of their respective objectives.
ISA Exploration Contractors To Meet in Warsaw
JAMAICA, Kingston (8 October 2018) – – Technical, legal and scientific experts representing ISA exploration contractors will meet in Warsaw, Poland to begin a 2-day consultative meeting from 15-16 October 2018.
Permanent Representative of Chile Presents Credentials to the International Seabed Authority
JAMAICA, Kingston (3 October 2018) – – His Excellency Mr. Francisco Javier Bernales, today presented his credentials to Secretary-General, Michael Lodge, as the new Permanent Representative of Chile to the International Seabed Authority.