Statement by ISA Secretary-General Michael Lodge
Category: Press Release
High Commissioner of Trinidad and Tobago appointed Permanent Representative to the International Seabed Authority
The Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) Mr. Michael W. Lodge welcomed H.E. Deryck Lance Murray, as the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to ISA, on 14 February 2020
ISA Legal and Technical Commission opens its 26th Session meetings in Kingston
Ms. Michele Walker of Jamaica was today, re-elected as Chair of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) Legal and Technical Commission (LTC), at the opening of the 26th Session meetings of the LTC in Kingston, Jamaica. Mr. Harald Brekke of Norway was re-elected as Vice-Chair of the LTC.
ISA Secretary-General meets with Ghana and Norway delegations to discuss progress of Africa’s Deep Seabed Resources Project
The Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) today met with the Head of the Delegation of Ghana to ISA and Coordinator of the African Group Mr. Solomon Korbieh, and Mr. Andreas Motzfeldt Kravik, Head of the Delegation of Norway, to present the latest outcomes of the Africa Deep Seabed Resources (ADSR) project – a joint initiative between ISA, the African Union and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad).
First Part of 26th ISA Council Session Opens in Kingston
The 26th Session of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) opened in Kingston, Jamaica, yesterday with a focus on the Secretary-General’s report on implementation of decisions adopted by the Council at its 25th Session regarding the work of the Legal and Technical Commission (LTC), the development of draft regulations for exploitation of mineral resources, the composition of the LTC, and the status of exploration contracts.
ISA international workshop reviews impact of capacity-building programmes and underscores need for a programmatic approach
The first ever international workshop on ‘Capacity development, resources and needs assessment,’ organized by the International Seabed Authority (ISA) in Kingston, Jamaica, concluded yesterday with a set of recommendations aimed at improving the delivery and implementation of ISA’s capacity development programmes and initiatives to meet the needs and priorities of developing States, particularly Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Land Locked Developing Countries (LLDCs).
Urgent call for contributions to the Voluntary Trust Fund to meet the costs of participation of members of the Legal and Technical Commission from developing countries
The Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) Mr. Michael W. Lodge has announced with grave concern that, as of 29 January 2020, the Voluntary Trust Fund established to cover the cost of participation by members of the Legal and Technical Commission (LTC) and the Finance Committee from developing countries stands in negative balance.
First African Experts to join ISA’s Secretariat for 2-month deployment as a part of ISA-Africa Union-NORAD ADSR Project
The first two national experts selected in the context of the Africa Deep Seabed Resources (ADSR) project joined the ISA Secretariat on 20 January 2020. A total of 10 experts, including 5 women, from different African States, members of ISA and the African Union, will be deployed with the ISA Secretariat in the course of 2020. The objectives of this deployment are to strengthen their expertise in geology and ocean/Blue Economy policy while contributing to the work of the Secretariat.
Evora workshop progresses discussions on the development of REMP for the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
International experts from member States, including developing counties and sponsoring States as well as from the scientific community, and contractors convened at a workshop held to discuss the development of a Regional Environmental Management Plan (REMP) for the Area of the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge in Évora, Portugal, from 25 to 29 November