ISA Council opens Part I of its 28th session

The Council of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) opened the meetings of Part I of its 28th session on Thursday, 16 March 2023. The Council will be meeting for 12 days until 31 March 2023. The main item on the agenda of the Council remains the draft regulations on the exploitation of mineral resources in the Area (ISBA/25/C/WP.1) prepared by the Legal and Technical Commission (LTC) and submitted to the Council in March 2019. Other items on the agenda include the status of contracts for exploration, the report on the work of the LTC at the first part of its 28th session between 7 and 15 March, and matters related to the Enterprise and the operationalization of the Economic Planning Commission.

The ISA Secretariat and the United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries establish a new strategic partnership to address specific capacity-building needs of LDCs in support of the sustainable development of emerging blue economies

On 6 March 2023, the Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) and the Acting Managing Director of the United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries (UNTBLDC), Dr. Taffere Tesfachew, formally launched a new partnership between the two organizations on the margins of the second part of the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developing Countries (LDC5) currently taking place in Doha, Qatar.