ISA Workshop on the Regional Environmental Management Plan for the Area of the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge with a focus on PMS Deposits

The International Seabed Authority (ISA), in collaboration with the Atlantic Regional Environmental Management Plan (REMP) Project (funded by European Union), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation and All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ocean (VNIIOkeangeologia), will convene the Workshop on Regional Environmental Management Plan (REMP) for the Area of the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge with a focus on PMS deposits, in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation from 15 to 19 June, 2020.  

ANNOUNCEMENT: Travel Advisory

For ISA workshop participants and delegates in relation to the outbreak of novel coronavirus

ANNOUNCEMENT : Workshop Reports

The ISA Secretariat is pleased to announce that the following workshop reports are now available online: