Call for action for ensuring the stewardship of the Area and its resources for the benefit of all humanity through deep-sea science, technology and innovation
In accordance with UNCLOS and the 1994 Agreement pertaining to the implementation of Part XI of UNCLOS, ISA is mandated to regulate and control activities in the Area, and to take measures necessary for the effective protection of the marine environment from potential harmful effects that may arise from seabed activities. ISA is also required to promote the conduct of marine scientific research in the Area and to coordinate and disseminate the results, when available.
The ISA commitment for promoting marine scientific research is well reflected in its strategic framework, especially its Action Plan in support of the United Nations Decade for Ocean Science for Sustainable Development which was adopted unanimously in 2020 by all the ISA Members and which has since served as a global deep-sea research agenda to advance general knowledge and understanding of the deep-sea and its ecosystems. Through its six strategic research priorities, the Action Plan provides a building block for advancing global deep-sea research efforts in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The central role of deep-sea research under the auspices of ISA as well as its contribution to the progress made towards the implementation of the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda have been assessed by an independent report commissioned by the Secretary-General that was released in November 2021. The report underscored the pivotal role of science in the effective implementation of UNCLOS and the 1994 Agreement, as a fundamental pillar of the sustainable management of global commons and as a cornerstone of a strong multilateralism to achieve inclusive, balanced and equitable sustainable ocean management for all.
In the margins of the 2023 Sustainable Development Goals Summit held in New York, ISA together with Bangladesh and Argentina launched a global Call to action for ensuring the stewardship of the Area and its resources for the benefit of all humanity through deep-sea science, technology and innovation.
The Call for Action aims to further collective action around four key priorities:
- increasing investments in science and technology;
- aligning relevant research agendas with the global deep-sea research agenda;
- promoting deep-sea literacy; and
- leveraging ISA’s experiences to support the implementation of the Agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (2023 Agreement).
Since then, the initiative has received significant support by Member States and has also been recently open to signature by ISA stakeholders.

Signatories – Member States
Mr. Santiago Cafiero
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
International Trade and Worship
Cook Islands
Honorable Mr. Mark Brown
Prime Minister
H.E. Mr. Mayank Joshi
Permanent Representative of India to the International Seabed Authority
The Honourable Maneesh Gobin
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade
H.E. Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan
Minster of Foreign Affairs
United Kingdom
The Right Honorable Lord Benyon
FCDO Minister of State for Climate, Environment and Energy
H.E. Dr. A.K. Abdul Momen, MP
Minster of Foreign Affairs
Hon. Filimoni Vosarogo
Minister of Lands & Mineral Resources
Honourable Senator Kamina Johnson Smith
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Jamaica
H.E. Mr. Russ Joseph KUN
Mr. Koffi Akakpo
Charge d’Affaires a.i.
Permanent Mission of Togo to the United Nations in New York
Ambassador Daojiang Chen
Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to ISA
Hon. Min. Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration
H.E. Mr. Ian Borg
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Hon. Min. Anniken Huitfeldt
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Honorable Mrs. Fekita ‘Utoikamanu
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Signatories – Scientific institutions
Kobe Ocean-Bottom Exploration Center
Prof. Hiroko Sugioka
National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Egypt
Prof. Amr Hamouda
National Oceanography Centre
Dr. John Siddorn
Chief Executive
Signatories – Contractors
Blue Minerals Jamaica
Mr. R. N. Heerema
Loke CCZ
Mr. Walter Sognnes
Executive Director
Tonga Offshore Mining Limited
Mr. Gerard Barron
Chief Executive Officer
Interoceanmetal Joint Organization
Dr. Tomasz Abramowski
Nauru Ocean Resources Inc.
Mr. Gerard Barron
Chief Executive Officer
Global Sea Mineral Resources NV
Dr. Kris Van Nijen
Managing Director
Ocean Mineral Singapore Pte Ltd.
Mr. Francois van Raemdonck