Workshop on the development of a scientific approach to identifying key deep-sea taxa in support of the protection of the marine environment in the Area

3 Jun 2024 - 6 Jun 2024

Seoul, Republic of Korea


The International Seabed Authority (ISA) is convening an in-person workshop on the development of a scientific approach to identifying key deep-sea taxa in support of the protection of the marine environment in the Area from 3-6 June 2024 in Seoul, Republic of Korea, in collaboration with the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and the National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea.

Workshop objectives

The workshop aims to:

  1. Develop a scientifically sound approach to identifying key deep-sea taxa for supporting the conduct of environmental impact assessments and monitoring programmes, as well as the adoption of environmental management measures in the Area, in line with the scientific criteria for developing regional environmental management plans by ISA;
  2. Identify priority needs for implementing the scientific approach developed, as well as possible activities to address the identified needs; and
  3. Identify potential partners and stakeholders for further advancing and implementing the scientific approach.

*Please refer to the Terms of Reference for additional information, including the expected outcomes and outputs.

Expected participants

Approximately 20-30 experts are expected to participate in the workshop. Over 300 experts have been engaged in previous SSKI activities, especially the last four deep-sea taxonomic standardization workshops. Currently nearly 140 taxonomic experts from about 60 scientific institutes and natural history museums are involved in environmental studies carried out by ISA contractors. Over 400 experts participated in ISA workshops on the development of regional environmental management plans. Such pool of experts will be considered for invitation to the workshop.

Participants with relevant expertise in deep-sea taxonomy, ecology, and biodiversity assessments will be invited, especially those with experience in environmental baseline surveys, impact assessments, monitoring programmes, and management measures in the Area, taking into account gender and geographical balance. Expertise in various biological communities and habitats will be considered to ensure that key environmental characteristics of the ecosystems associated with typical seabed mineral provinces (i.e. abyssal plains, hydrothermal vents, and seamounts) are represented. Additional consideration will be given to experts from developing countries, including former ISA trainees. Financial support for participation of selected African experts will be provided by the ISA Partnership Fund project, entitled “Enhancing and leveraging the knowledge of African experts in deep-sea research through the establishment of the ISA-Egypt Joint Training and Research Centre,” endorsed at the meeting of the Partnership Board in January 2024. Representatives from relevant UN/international/regional organizations/programmes/initiatives or experts recommended by them will be invited.

For enquiries, please contact Mr. Changsung Lim, Associate Programme Management Officer, Office of Environmental Management and Mineral Resources, ISA (


Background documents